Bine ati venit la Provinum Welcome to Provinum

PROVINUM este partenerul Dvs. in orice problema legata de vinuri
PROVINUM pune la dispozitia Dvs. experienta specialistilor sai pentru gasirea de solutii complete la cerintele Dvs. de ordin tehnic, contribuind direct la modernizarea tehnologiilor de vinificatie si imbuteliere. Firmele de prestigiu cu care colaboram, recunoscute pe plan international, asigura utilajelor si serviciilor oferite de PROVINUM calitate si performante la nivel mondial, apte sa raspunda celor mai inalte exigente.
PROVINUM este activa si in comertul cu vinuri, fiind prezenta atat pe piata interna, ca distribuitor de vinuri in Romania, cat si pe piata internationala, ca un exportator de vinuri cu experienta in domeniu.
Prin experienta managementului si a personalului calificat in afaceri care tin de industria vinului,
PROVINUM furnizeaza firmelor interesate servicii de consulting si know-how.


PROVINUM is your partner in all matters "around wines from Romania"
PROVINUM is a wine trader, wine export being our specialty. With a good knowledge of the Romanian wine industry and the excellent relationship with the major wine producers, PROVINUM is your best partner for getting acquainted with the Romanian wine.
PROVINUM is a major importer and distributor of materials and equipment for the wine industry, from vinification to bottling and packing, thus creating the synergy for sustaining the core business - the wine exports - by offering to wineries complete and modern technological solutions for producing quality wines.
PROVINUM is your consultant both in technological and commercial issues around wine and viticulture in Romania. .
